The Sacred Path

Journeys through the mist

Page 32 of 35

Cleaning out the attic

It was at my first Visionseeker where I heard the phrase “where your attention goes, your energy flows.” It was prior to the beginning of our healing ritual on the last night when Hank was explaining the ritual to us, and it is quite applicable to virtually our entire lives.

This phrase contributed to my decision to stop watching the news as I related to you in Positive and negative polarities (that and my friend Frank kindly bringing it to my attention). I was in effect feeding energy into all the negative things going on in the world, and holding at least some of those things in my attic.

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Verbal and non-verbal communication

Canadian educator, philosopher, and scholar, Marshall McLuhan said, “Communication is a miracle.” Who can disagree with that?

Some years ago my focus drifted away from a conversation and I became consciously aware that there was a non-verbal component to the conversation. After observing this phenomenon on several occasions, I realized that I had been utilizing the non-verbal component unconsciously all along, but once I had become aware of it, it became an invaluable tool.

How much of a communication is verbal and how much non-verbal, seems to depend in part on the difficulty of the subject and/or the intent of the person, and in some cases the bulk of the communication is actually non-verbal.

There also seems to be a built-in ethics program at work as well. At times I actually get all the “blanks” filled in so that the combination of the verbal and non-verbal creates an entire picture (full access), while at other times I simply get a knowing without detail (limited access). It isn’t mind reading as I am not probing their thoughts or memories, and the information is being sent to me, or at the very least made available.

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My friend, Frank DeMarco posted a communication from his friend, author Robert Bruce that he titled Robert Bruce on truth which I believe is well worth a read. I also urge you to follow the link in the post and take a look at the process Robert went through to dismantle and rebuild his belief system to eliminate the conflicts and beliefs that were limiting his growth.

A taste of Visionseeker 1

In March of 2005, I attended the first five day Visionseeker 1 retreat (VS1) taught by Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall, at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA, titled “Shamanism” and the Modern Mystical Movement,” and I thought I would share a few experiences with you. The following is a description of the VS1 retreat from the Shared Wisdom website.

This retreat includes elements of the three weekend workshops, but in greater depth. We will utilize the classic shamanic journey method to establish connections with our spirit helpers and teachers, ancestral spirits, and possibly descendants. We will begin to examine the nature of health, illness, and healing from the perspective of the traditional shaman, and the week will conclude with a powerful healing ritual. This workshop provides a clear introduction for those less familiar with the shaman’s path and will enhance the practice of more experienced inner travelers.

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Our life auditor

A long time ago I had a dream in which I was being shown a process where this auditor, or bookkeeper was going through and pulling people “out” of physical life and then going over their life book with them, reminding them of their goal for this life. I was actually given some training and allowed to perform the service for several people.

One woman I worked with was very polite, apologetic and agreed that she needed to make some changes. Another seemed completely confused and not sure what was going on, but listened anyway. We came to one individual, and the auditor told me I had better let him handle this one as he was quite difficult – and he was. He was highly irritated to have been pulled away from whatever it was he was doing, quite angry in fact. It was as if we had just pulled him away from the fourth quarter of the super bowl, and his team, down by a few points with only seconds to go, had the ball near the opponents 30 yard line on fourth down. The auditor was very loving and calm and managed to settle him down to a point where he would listen, but I knew he was just going along so that he could get back to the “game.”

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