The Sacred Path

Journeys through the mist

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Guilt and blogging

Sometimes it is hard to get unstuck, or to start movement in a direction again, such as with me and blogging. There was a part of me that felt guilty for not blogging. I had this blog, I was paying for hosting, the domain name and all, I was spending time keeping the updates done and such, but not using it. Feeling guilty thought, is never a good reason for doing , or not doing, something.

What you need is a guilt free desire to do it, and it should feel good and rewarding. If it doesn’t feel good or rewarding, you have to determine why. If the why is, I just don’t enjoy it, or its too much work, or whatever then perhaps its time to hang up the blogging. Take a  break, do other things and then you can revisit it later if you desire, but keep guilt out of the equation.

As part of my process to move away from guilt and see if I truly have a desire to blog again, I’ve changed the theme on my site. I’ve liked this theme, Hemingway, since I first saw it and after looking at what seems to have been a couple of thousand, I kept coming back to it, so here it is. Next step I think is looking through my photos for a header image. The one that comes with the theme isn’t bad, but it’s not “mine”.

Wow, has it been that long?

I may be nearing the point of wanting to blog again although I wouldn’t hold my breath, just in case it is just heartburn. 🙂

In the meantime, here are a couple of images from Big Bend Park in west Texas.

big bend park - texas

Big Bend Park in west Texas


Rio Grande River in Big Bend Park, Texas

Ok, so a new toy

So I bought myself a Christmas present: an iPad. I told myself it was needed for my web work, but who am I fooling? It is for that since I need to be able to check web designs, but it is also a seriously cool new toy, and I’m really enjoying it.

Warm Wishes for the New Year

Sitting here drinking a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and thinking about the past year, it has, at the very least, been interesting, and sadly for many very depressing given the economy. My friend Frank DeMarco’s guys upstairs are fond of saying , “all is well, all is always well,” but when those of us down here in the swamp are ass-deep in alligators, sometimes that just elicits a “WTF are are you babbling about?” It is sometimes (most times?) difficult to see that from down here when things appear to be going sooooo wrong.

The thing is, it is true. Shifts, or shit, happens, that is part of life really. The only thing we can do is to remain centered and work on making our life work, because we are, going forward, going to get precious little help from those currently in charge here in the physical. More to come on this subject soon.

In the meantime, Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Another Spiritual Traveler

I recently set up a website for author, poet and fellow-shamanic practitioner, Jim Price, and I must say I very much enjoy reading his “Musings,” and thought you might as well. He writes about a wide range of things, in other words, he writes about life. He currently has three ebooks for sale and more to come.

If you are so inclined, pop over and take a look around.

Musings of a Spiritual Traveler

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