The Sacred Path

Journeys through the mist

Page 15 of 35

Deciding what’s worth your time

A recent flurry of posts on a thread in the forums, initiated by the comments of someone who has a tendency to stir things up whenever they appear, got me to thinking about a few things. I was about ready to get into the fray when I stepped back and realized that for me personally, it just wasn’t worth my time.

In a situation like this where the accusations were broad, and not aimed at any one person in particular – at least as far as I could tell – it’s a good thing not to simply dismiss it as BS, without taking a step back to calmly and honestly ask yourself if any of the accusations apply to you. This is also true when it’s aimed at you as an individual. This is just good practice.

Once you have looked at things honestly and calmly, if there is any truth in what was directed at you, then it’s up to you to make adjustments – or not – the choice is always yours. In the end though, the only thing we really have full control over is ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world.

Since no two people have the same knowns, beliefs and life experiences, no two people are going to view or interpret the same thing in the same way.

As far as whether you want to defend yourself or not, that is entirely up to you. In my experience, you seldom are able to change the other person’s view of the situation, and sometimes your silence speaks much louder than words.

Can’t go back to where we were

Tomorrow night the moon will be full again, and my eyes will automatically seek it out. It will be there regardless what happens to me or to America or to the human race or to the world. As it always has, it waxes and wanes and waxes again, following its cycle as do the planets and the seasons and life itself. And, like life, it never sails through the same space twice, any more than the earth does, for the earth pulls the moon along as it circles the sun, and the sun pulls the earth, and the rotation of the galaxy pulls the sun, and on and on. All that cyclical motion: No wonder we can’t ever return to where we were.

That is the last paragraph in the epilogue from the book Messenger by Frank DeMarco, which was written as a sequel to James Hilton’s Lost Horizon. Sadly due to legal thingies, after the current inventory of Messenger is sold out, it cannot be reprinted.

As luck would have it though, Frank has made Messenger available to the world by posting the entire book on his blog. It is a wonderful book and I highly recommend that you drop by and give it a read. I am lucky enough to have a copy of Messenger, and there are still copies available from the publisher, in the event that after reading it, you would like to own a copy.

The Sacred Path’s new clothes

No, you’re not in the wrong place, The Sacred Path has gone shopping for a new look and i think I’ve found it. I haven’t even begun to explore all the possibilities with this theme, because well, it has more built-in options, bells and whistles than you can shake a stick at.

Over the next few weeks, you may see changes to the arrangement of the sidebars and more features will be rolled out as I get the time to explore them and decide what is useful and what is not.

Let me know what you think, good, bad or indifferent. All comments and suggestions will be warmly received.

Eggplant in winter

First of all, I’ve never been a big fan of eggplant, but I have a few variations of vegetable stew I like to make that eggplant is so right for. Sadly, here in Wyoming, most of the eggplant that finds its way into the produce departments of the grocery stores during winter has been frozen due to the long travel times from the distribution centers. A soggy, spongy, brown mess.

Eggplant isn’t the only vegetable that gets the deep freeze, it’s pretty much anything you find in the produce department. The other day I bought some fresh(?) basil to put in a stew, and by the time I had trimmed off the freeze damage, I had twice as much fodder for the compose pile as I did useable basil. Green peppers don’t take well to freezing temperatures either and are usually wrinkled and soggy. With all the waste, it would almost seem better to just close the produce departments from November to say, February in these parts.

I wish it were as simple as packing up and heading to places with less extreme winters, but at this time, it is not simple.

I’m on my way to the grocery store for veggies in a little bit. Wish me luck.

I’ve been tagged!

I’ve been tagged by KatKMeanders! I knew it was only a matter of time till I got pulled into one of the blogging games. I ignored the signs, living recklessly, fast and loose. It caught up with me finally.

Here are the rules:

  1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
  2. Share 7 facts about yourself
  3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blog
  4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Seven facts about me:

  1. I love Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. I’ve been know to eat three pints of it in a week. I may go months without having any, but then the urge will hit and I’m off to the grocery store.
  2. I hate brussels sprouts. It’s the only vegetable that I absolutely will not eat in any form, and no, I will not like your special secret recipe.
  3. I love to drive fast and especially on twisty mountain roads (only when there is no traffic). Since I sold my twin-turbo Audi Quattro and bought my Prius, that thrill is gone. I used to love to mash the pedal to the floor at the beginning of a freeway on-ramp and watch the speedometer pass 100 mph before I reached the point where I merged into the freeway. I do like knowing that I’m putting less than a third the amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than when I was driving my Audi, and the fact that my fuel bill has dropped to less than a third what it was. Thrills of a different flavor.
  4. My favorite movie is What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Annabella Sciorra. I have the DVD and watch it probably four times a year.
  5. I watch SouthPark. I won’t apologize for it. I find it extremely entertaining in a sarcastic, satirical, ironical sort of way. It’s one of the only TV shows I watch.
  6. In 2000, I voted for Bush. Before his first term was half over I realized the consequences of my choice was going to be 1000 lifetimes of bad karma for me. When the last canoe leave planet earth, I’ll be standing on the shore waving goodbye. Please make it a little easier on me and take your trash with you so I have less cleaning up and rebuilding to do. Thanks in advance.
  7. I like my cat Sidney better than some people I meet. He is what he is with no masks, no deceptions, no illusions, no delusions.

Not to choose seven victims. FrankDeMarco , you have been tagged. BreathingEasy , you have been tagged. MuseEditions, you have been tagged. Thistimethisspace , you have been tagged. Lettershometoyou , you have been tagged. Terraflora , you have been tagged. Theartistsopinion , you have been tagged. Ode2Food , you have been tagged.

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