The Sacred Path

Journeys through the mist

Page 11 of 35

Sometimes getting sick isn’t such a bad thing

We all get sick from time to time, it’s part of life really. Sometimes it is our way of telling ourselves that we have been working too hard and possibly our energy reserves are low and it is time for a rest. It can of course also be an indication that there is something deeper and more complex going on. Perhaps there is something that we have been procrastinating about dealing with. The list goes on.

I had spent a wonderful Thanksgiving week with good friends in California, and on the last day of my visit felt the telltale signs of a cold or flu coming on. My sinuses were starting to drain and I had a scratchy throat. I figured just like every other cold or flu that I have had in the past, a few days and I would be back to normal. Typically for myself, I just “weather” them and take as little in the way of medications as possible. I did a little healing work on myself and asked my healing team to lend a helping hand.

After three days, my cold seemed to be lifting and I thought I had it kicked, but by the fifth day it had moved down into my chest and my cough had gotten much worse. Again though I figured like other times, a few more days and I would be on the mend. No so.

In the fourth week, one of my ribs gave up and cracked from all the coughing and I could tell there was a lot of fluid in my lungs. By now, I had not really slept in a couple weeks, only getting maybe a half hour or hour here or there. I even resorted to getting some cough medicine from the pharmacy, but it did not help.

I decided it was time to contact some of my shamanic friends to see if they could help me out and I not only got a lot of healing energy from them, but also some good advice on very good herbal and natural remedies.

A morning or two later after a night of no sleep, I got out of bed and as my feet hit the floor, I heard a voice in my head say, ‘it is time to go to the doctor.’ Now in the past, I might not have jumped so quickly on the advice from the voice in my head, but this time I could feel the urgency.

Turns out that it had developed into pneumonia. The doctor wanted to send me to the hospital but because I don’t have health insurance, decided we would see if antibiotics would help, but she warned that if I was not significantly better within a week, I should plan on the hospital.

The first day after the trip to the doctor, I was feeling far better, and by the third day my lungs had cleared almost completely. Was it the antibiotics, or was it the help from my friends? A little of both I think. On my return visit, the doctor was quite surprised and said my lungs were completely clear. It seems that many people have had to take several rounds of antibiotics to kick the stuff that is going around.

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More angels

We hear far too seldom about the good deeds of others. My recent post, The kindness of strangers, related my recent experience of being on the receiving end of a good deed. There are far more angels out there than we hear about.

ABC News reported on another angel yesterday. A woman had lost her job and her home which was being auctioned off. An angel happened to be in the crowd that day and the woman is now able to keep her house. The angel, Marilyn Mock of Rockwall, Texas said, “People need to help each other, and that’s all there is to it.”

The kindness of strangers

There are quite literally angels walking among us who give of themselves unconditionally.

I flew back in from a workshop this morning to Billings, Montana and a raging snow storm. I had not packed any warm clothes and when we boarded the plane the pilot told us of the storm. I was chatting about it with the man sitting next to me and was joking about my lack of preparation. I was in a tee shirt, shorts and sandals.

We got of the plane and went down to baggage claim and the man that had been sitting next to me handed me his jacket. He said he only had a few miles to go to get to his home and he could not bear the thought of me making the 130 mile drive to my home in the storm without a warm jacket. I thanked him for his generosity and then went to the restroom and put on some long pants from my suitcase and my other shoes, and wrapped in the warmth of a stranger’s heart made my way across the windy, snow covered parking lot and safely home.

It is things like this that remind me that we humans have more than a fighting chance of making it.

To that kind angel: What blessings I have, I give you.

Thomas Jefferson on the bailout

Often I think about what our founding fathers would have to say about what has been going on in this country and the world, especially in the last few decades. The following might give us a clue as to what Jefferson would have said about our current financial crisis and the impending lapdance bailout for the guilty.

If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, and give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; And the sixteen being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they do now, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; But be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains around the necks of our fellow sufferers; And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second, that second for a third, and so on ’til the bulk of society is reduced to mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering…and the forehorse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression. – Thomas Jefferson


There can be no political revolution, no social revolution, no economic revolution. The only revolution is that of the spirit; it is individual. And if millions of individuals change, then the society will change as a consequence, not vice versa. You cannot change the society first and hope that individuals will change later on. – Osho

A move seems to be in my not to distant future. In my earlier life, when I would hear someone talking about Hawaii, or read something about the islands, I would think to myself that it might be nice to visit, but it never developed into a real desire, probably at least in part due to not having the money for a trip. A couple years ago, I started to think seriously about visiting, but again, felt no strong desire to pack a bag and board a plane.

This year however, things have changed. A series of those pesky coincidences have been coming up. First a friend forwards an email to me from a woman who was wanting to sell her place in Hawaii. I dismissed it at the time since the price was more than I could afford, and truthfully, the thought of living in Hawaii had not really gelled.

What followed over the course of a few months, was a Hawaiian barrage. I would turn on the TV and there would be a program on about Hawaii. A couple people from Hawaii used the contact page on this blog to write me about things they did not want to post in public. Several times while I was shopping, I ran into people wearing T-shirts they got in Hawaii. I would be driving down the street and see a car with a Hawaiian license plate. Personally, things that were “hanging around” that would keep me from moving started to resolve themselves with no conscious effort from me.

In and around these “coincidences” I did some journeys on the possibility and got an what can only be described as a “smile” from my guides and helping spirits. In one journey I had decided to visit Pele, the Goddess of the volcano, and when I got to my sacred garden, I found a roaring fire in my ceremonial fire pit and knew it was my portal for a visit to Pele. I entered the fire, and remember nothing after that for about an hour, but I was in a state of complete bliss when I returned.

I can feel a quickening, and plan a trip over right after the first of the year to look for a place and to see if the islands like me, and I like the islands. I still have one commitment here that I must see through, but that too seems like it might be heading for a conclusion.

Change is the only real constant in life. Even our bodies completely renew every seven years or so they say. The cells, atoms, electrons, protons and neutrons making up your body today are completely different from the ones of around seven years ago.

As a species, we’ve seen a huge changes over the past twenty years, and especially over the past eight. What will the future bring? That is for each of us as individuals, and in turn collectively as a society to determine, but it always starts at the level of the individual.

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