In March of 2005, I attended the first five day Visionseeker 1 retreat (VS1) taught by Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall, at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA, titled “Shamanism” and the Modern Mystical Movement,” and I thought I would share a few experiences with you. The following is a description of the VS1 retreat from the Shared Wisdom website.
This retreat includes elements of the three weekend workshops, but in greater depth. We will utilize the classic shamanic journey method to establish connections with our spirit helpers and teachers, ancestral spirits, and possibly descendants. We will begin to examine the nature of health, illness, and healing from the perspective of the traditional shaman, and the week will conclude with a powerful healing ritual. This workshop provides a clear introduction for those less familiar with the shaman’s path and will enhance the practice of more experienced inner travelers.
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