Journeys through the mist

Category: Shamanism (Page 3 of 4)

A taste of Visionseeker 1

In March of 2005, I attended the first five day Visionseeker 1 retreat (VS1) taught by Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall, at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA, titled “Shamanism” and the Modern Mystical Movement,” and I thought I would share a few experiences with you. The following is a description of the VS1 retreat from the Shared Wisdom website.

This retreat includes elements of the three weekend workshops, but in greater depth. We will utilize the classic shamanic journey method to establish connections with our spirit helpers and teachers, ancestral spirits, and possibly descendants. We will begin to examine the nature of health, illness, and healing from the perspective of the traditional shaman, and the week will conclude with a powerful healing ritual. This workshop provides a clear introduction for those less familiar with the shaman’s path and will enhance the practice of more experienced inner travelers.

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Dreamtime healing part 2

In Dreamtime healing part 1, I told you about a dream I had one morning in November, 2005. In the first dream I shifted from being an observer to being the one that was healed, and the effects of the healing were immediate and dramatic. In this second dream, which occurred right after the first, it wasn’t so much a healing as it was a hint of things to come.

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Dreamtime healing part 1

We use dreamtime for a host of things including exploration, consulting with our cosmic committee, figuring out how we are doing in our lives, problem solving, and healing ourselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is a time when we are unfettered by a physical body; a time when we can quite literally fly free.

One morning in November, 2005 I had a series of three dreams, of which I only remembered two. They occurred in that fuzzy time when we are walking that fine line between waking consciousness and sleep. In both dreams, I shifted from being an observer to an active participant.

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Expanded awareness in everyday life

This post was delayed since we had a substantial spring snow storm Thursday and Friday and it took a little while to dig out the neighborhood.

Life today is quite complex for most of us. There is work, and the family, the kids have sporting events and practice, there is homework and PTA meetings, laundry, shopping, and the list goes on and on and on. For many people, finding the time to journey or meditate can be difficult. That does not mean you cannot connect with your spirit helpers and guides when you could use their help.

When you step onto the path to expanded awareness your life begins to change and more tools become consciously available to you. It is very reassuring to know there are a host of spirits and guides outside of ordinary reality that are ready, willing, and able to help you reach your goal for this life. And they are there for you all the time. All you have to do is turn your awareness in that direction and make the connection.

Although I do not know about other systems out there, one of the things emphasized at the Visionseeker Shamanic Retreats taught by Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall, and at The Monroe Institute is that these expanded states of awareness, and the connections with our spirit helpers and guides, are available to us at any time. If we need to make a difficult decision or find a solution to a problem, or we would like a clearer perspective, all we have to do is pop upstairs. There is no need to wait until we get home for a formal journey.

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The spirit of the stone and earth mother

I have included footnotes which reference additional reading with far more detail on the Sacred Garden and the Spirit Realms at the end of this post.

I had two incredibly meaningful meetings with the spirit of the stone, and the second lead to a meeting with the spirit of the earth, the earth mother. It is hard to put into words what these meetings felt like since it was so far beyond anything I had experienced before.

My first meeting with the stone happened in a very vivid dream in which I was shown into a forest and to a rock outcrop, which was flat on top – a natural place for journeying. I was told that everything I would need would be provided for me. That night (in the dream), I slept under the edge of the rock outcrop, and the next morning, when I awoke, I found a package on top of the rock with food and clean clothes in it. As I opened the package I became aware of a presence, and looked up to find a tall stone standing behind the rock outcrop. I felt a warm greeting come from the stone, and it was then that I perceived facial features. These were not physical features, but the perception of features. The actual stone had no features. I returned the greeting and asked what I could do for the stone, and what the stone could do for me. I was told that this was just an initial meeting so that we could get to know one another and that we would have further contact in the future. The dream ended there and I immediately awoke in the physical, and recorded it in my journal. As I reflected on this dream journey, I realized that “everything I would need would be provided for me,” meant in this life, and on my path.

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