Journeys through the mist

Category: Shamanism (Page 2 of 4)

Guest Author

Well, here it is the middle of the week and I’m in California drumming and rattling and journeying through the spirit worlds at another workshop. I hope everyone is having a good time doing whatever it is they are doing. And if you aren’t, START NOW! 🙂

Since I was running a little short on time, I thought I would bring in a guest author, Mahatma Gandhi. I would have liked to spend some time with this wonderful, peace loving man. Perhaps when I get back from my workshop I’ll invite him to my Sacred Garden for tea.

The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within. – Mahatma Gandhi

Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words, You words become your actions, Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny. – Mahatma Gandhi

If you do not find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further. – Mahatma Gandhi

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems. – Mahatma Gandhi

The games people play

In his October column in The Meta Arts Magazine, Dr. Hank Wesselman, PhD talks about some of The Life Games we come into the physical to experience. (Note: If you are reading this in November 2007 or later, go here for Hank’s archives.)

One interesting thing he reveals in the article is that according to Dr. Michael Newton, 73% of those now embodied on earth are young or young-intermediate souls who are typically after money, sex, power and status – the “physical foursome” as Hank calls them.

I long ago gave up on the idea of Coincidences, and it’s not coincidence or chance that little more than a quarter of those now on earth are more advanced souls. I humbly suggest you give Hank’s article a read, I believe it will be time well spent.

The power of intent and commitment

I was reminded recently how powerful intent and commitment can be. A friend had been having some problems and had asked me to do a healing journey to see if I could help out. The day of the request, I popped upstairs and let my spirit helpers know about the request. Lately I have noticed that I will get a “feeling” when it is time to do the actual journey, and the feeling hit me the next evening.

The day after the journey my friend emailed me to let me know that after she made the request, that a lot of things in her life started to fall in place and improve. In other words, the healing had began at the time she set the intent by asking me to help. I sent her my report on what I found and told her I would look in on her again just to make sure nothing else had come up.

Physical symptoms are not necessarily connected to physical dis-eases or injuries, and can sometimes occur to get our attention; to alert us to something we need to change or pay attention to in our lives.

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A healing journey

For those of you who may not be familiar with shamanic healing, I thought I share one of my recent healing journeys. Healing journeys can take place remotely where the healer and the person requesting the healing are physically in different location, or where they are in the same location. Most of the journeys I have made so far have been remote.

Briefly, in shamanic healing there are typically several steps you perform. I have included a couple of resources at the end of this post that give a more complete explanation of the process.

  • Power augmentation which involves a journey to the spirit worlds to find a spirit helper to come into relationship with the person, and provide power protection and support. This is necessary first step since healing cannot take place if the person is in a disempowered state.
  • Next comes the diagnosis to determine the cause of the illness where the practitioner connects with his/her spirit guides to discover what is causing the illness.
  • The practitioner will then journey into the body of the person – with their permission – to find the illness-causing intrusions.
  • When the intrusions are found, the practitioner will then, with the help of his/her helping spirits, extract the intrusions.
  • The final step is to restore the fabric of the person’s soul through soul retrieval.

It should be mentioned here, that it is not the shamanic practitioner that does the healing, but the spirit helpers and healers. The practitioner simply acts as a bridge or conduit to allow the healing to take place.

The request for help had come to me through a friend of the parents of a boy who had undergone an operation to fix a damaged eardrum, which totally amazes me that they can do something so delicate. Although Western medicine does not have all the answers, their accomplishments are almost staggering. After the operation the skin graph had taken, but the tissue surrounding the ear drum had begun to die and the surgeons were suggesting another operation to correct the problem. The parents however, were hoping to avoid putting their young son through another operation.

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Recovering and maintaining your personal power

In my post titled Cleaning out the attic I mentioned that it takes energy to maintain things we keep in our attics. There is a limit to the amount of energy available to us, which is simply a part of the earth life system. When we are using a large percentage of what we can pull in, it can make us vulnerable to illness. Now days when I get a cold or flu (rare anymore) I will shut down all outside operation (no work, no travel, et-cetera) and basically allow my body and system to have as much of my energy as it needs to take care of the problem. I of course also journey and ask my helping spirits to work on it for me as well. Hank Wesselman has a good article on The Classic Causes of Illness he wrote for The Meta Arts magazine that I highly recommend.

My friend Deb and I from time to time do a thing she calls tripping, where we basically journey while on the phone and look into things for each other. On one of our trips a few years ago, she found some “cords” as she described them, attached to me. She said they did not originate from me, but from somewhere else and there was an energy flow coming from me down the cord. She asked if she could disconnect them, and I told her to go ahead. I had been experiencing a cold that had been hanging on for far longer than it should have, and within a couple days, I was back to normal.

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