Journeys through the mist

Category: Dreamtime Journeys (Page 2 of 2)

Our life auditor

A long time ago I had a dream in which I was being shown a process where this auditor, or bookkeeper was going through and pulling people “out” of physical life and then going over their life book with them, reminding them of their goal for this life. I was actually given some training and allowed to perform the service for several people.

One woman I worked with was very polite, apologetic and agreed that she needed to make some changes. Another seemed completely confused and not sure what was going on, but listened anyway. We came to one individual, and the auditor told me I had better let him handle this one as he was quite difficult – and he was. He was highly irritated to have been pulled away from whatever it was he was doing, quite angry in fact. It was as if we had just pulled him away from the fourth quarter of the super bowl, and his team, down by a few points with only seconds to go, had the ball near the opponents 30 yard line on fourth down. The auditor was very loving and calm and managed to settle him down to a point where he would listen, but I knew he was just going along so that he could get back to the “game.”

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Dreamtime healing part 2

In Dreamtime healing part 1, I told you about a dream I had one morning in November, 2005. In the first dream I shifted from being an observer to being the one that was healed, and the effects of the healing were immediate and dramatic. In this second dream, which occurred right after the first, it wasn’t so much a healing as it was a hint of things to come.

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Dreamtime healing part 1

We use dreamtime for a host of things including exploration, consulting with our cosmic committee, figuring out how we are doing in our lives, problem solving, and healing ourselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is a time when we are unfettered by a physical body; a time when we can quite literally fly free.

One morning in November, 2005 I had a series of three dreams, of which I only remembered two. They occurred in that fuzzy time when we are walking that fine line between waking consciousness and sleep. In both dreams, I shifted from being an observer to an active participant.

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