Journeys through the mist

Category: Changes (Page 1 of 2)

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

It’s been quite a year, looking back on things. Nothing seemingly major, but certainly shifts and some clearing out of stuff that doesn’t serve me (well ok, not EVERYTHING cleared out, but working on it), and welcoming of new stuff to replace it. Whether that has been true for you too, or not, the one thing I think we probably all experienced with our busy lives is how quickly it all zipped by.

We are a few steps closer to moving back to Hawaii Island, but out check-list of to-do items is very long, and in the first part of this new year, I have some traveling to do. Luckily that travel is to Hawaii. Kauai to be exact, and then back to Hawaii island for a couple weeks with the family where we will visit some schools and also look at some more properties.

Oh yeah, and this image was taken last summer on our trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons. It was a wonderful trip. Isn’t she grand?

Here is hoping everyone has an awesome 2015.

Warm Wishes for the New Year

Sitting here drinking a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and thinking about the past year, it has, at the very least, been interesting, and sadly for many very depressing given the economy. My friend Frank DeMarco’s guys upstairs are fond of saying , “all is well, all is always well,” but when those of us down here in the swamp are ass-deep in alligators, sometimes that just elicits a “WTF are are you babbling about?” It is sometimes (most times?) difficult to see that from down here when things appear to be going sooooo wrong.

The thing is, it is true. Shifts, or shit, happens, that is part of life really. The only thing we can do is to remain centered and work on making our life work, because we are, going forward, going to get precious little help from those currently in charge here in the physical. More to come on this subject soon.

In the meantime, Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Two Years in Paradise and Winter Solstice Wishes

SantaI’m sitting here tonight celebrating two events. One is the second anniversary of my moving to Hawaii, and of course the second is Winter Solstice.

December 22 2009, I arrived  “home” to Hawai’i Island and it has been an incredible adventure. At times it seems like just yesterday I stepped off the plane, but at other times it is hard to remember being anywhere else. My friend Frank DeMarco asked if it was 4 or 5 years since I had moved to Hawai’i, so it isn’t just me apparently.

Winter Solstice is a time of reflection and sitting here tonight my thoughts can’t help but turn toward what the coming years will bring, but crystal balls are notoriously foggy and as Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”.  I’m not even up on current events lately since I don’t watch TV and only occasionally look at headlines on the internet. There are, of course, no shortage of dire predictions about the future, and some of it may very well be true to some degree, but  I’m simply not going to focus on those things and lend my energies to them. In the latest SharedWidom newsletter, Hank Wesselman said:

No matter what happens over the next several years, we’ll be at our best if we are grounded and heart-centered.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

To all my countless two or three readers that still stop by (ok, and everyone else too) I wish all of you the happiest of holidays and love and happiness in the new year, come what may.

Author and friend Frank DeMarco on Coast to Coast AM

My good friend, author and publisher Frank DeMarco, will be on Coast to Coast AM this next week discussing his newest book, The Cosmic Internet. The Cosmic Internet follows The Sphere and the Hologram and chronicles his continuing interactions and discussions with a group of non-physical entities that he simply refers to as “the guys upstairs.”

You can read more about the books by clicking the links above, and you can find out more about the Coast to Coast AM interview, including times and dates, on the Hologram Books website.

Solstice, New Beginnings and Holiday Wishes

Keauhou sunsetGratitude and a Look Back

Well, as of the evening of December 22 (I think) I’ve been living on Hawaii Island for one full year. All in all it has been a wonderful experience and I very much look forward to as many more as the island gives me. Tomorrow evening I’m getting together with friends to celebrate the fact that I made it through the first year mostly unscathed. The initiation was far less of an ordeal than many go through. Still, there have been a number of things that the island has put right up in my face. It has a tendency to do that. Even with those things though, I wake up each morning, make coffee and go outside onto the deck to give thanks for this incredible opportunityEach evening I do the same thing – typically with a glass of wine – and give thanks for the wonderful day. Doesn’t matter how the day went or what the weather or whatever, I’m always grateful.

Winter Solstice, Eclipse and those Wonderful Maya

I don’t know if any of you (perhaps the 2 readers I have left after my looooong absense) followed the eclipse that happened on the winter solstice this year, but in many ways it was quite remarkable and there are those that believe that errors in interpreting the Mayan calendar might mean that 2010 was the 2012 that has been so talked about. Astrologically, looking out at winter solstice in 2012 was virtually a yawner. 2010 though had a lot of significance astrologically. I won’t even bother to try and explain any of it since I know little of astrology, but there are numerous articles on the web.

Warmest Holiday Wishes

To the last two readers I have (probably including myself) I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays filled with love and blessings and may you all have a wonderful new year.

BTW, the photo is a sunset I took while down at the Keauhou Beach Resort one evening having dinner with friends.

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