Journeys through the mist

Author: Richard (Page 9 of 35)

Twiddling my thumbs

Still in Wyoming waiting on the weather to warm up enough so that I can get out of here. It has to be above 10 degrees at any stop on the trip before I can ship my furry little friend, Sidney. He’s really looking forward to warmer weather year around.

It’s looking like probably next Monday (21st) will by my launch date.

About 10 days and counting

My official blast off for the Big Island of Hawai’i is about 10 days off. I’ve left some of my stuff here until I can determine exactly what I’m going to need over there, but one load is on the way. It will end up costing me more money to do it in two moves, but I don’t want to take stuff I won’t want or need, and don’t want to end up having to put stuff in storage. My two vehicles are on the way, and one will be waiting for me when I get there – hopefully – so I don’t have to rent a car.

I have three places to look at as an initial rental once I get there, so I should have a good base of operations within a few days.

I’ll be coming back to Wyoming for a couple weeks in the spring to finish up some stuff around my house to get it ready for sale, and also to send whatever other stuff I decide I need or want with me over there. The rest will be sold and/or given to the Salvation Army.

It’s interesting as I sort of flow back and forth from excitement about the move to a feeling of “oh crap I’m really doing this!” I’ve certainly never felt like changing my mind though.

I realized I’ll be spending the holidays, and my birthday on the island. I think Christmas day may be spent at the beach – or at least part of it. Same for my birthday.

Time is closing in and other stuff

I’ve finished up the first phase of a website redesign for my good friend Frank DeMarco at his Hologram Books site and blog, (check him and his site out if you feel so inclined) and I’m getting into packing and moving mode big time now. I called the moving company and set a date, so now the move is even more real than it was. Still more to do on the Hologram Books site for Frank, but the rest will have to wait till I am at least partially settled on the Big Island of Hawaii.

I’m not sure how many of you have noticed, but there has been a palpable shift in energy. For several months after the first of the year, there was a positive shift and I was quite hopeful, but I started noticing a shift to the negative polarity, and by September, it was quite strong. I truly hope this swings back to the positive polarity. Many of my friends have noticed it as well.

It is important for each and every one of us to keep ourselves from being pulled into the negative energy that is not so prominent, and in anyway that we can. The more of people that can keep themselves in the positive polarity, the less effect the negative energy has. This certainly doesn’t mean that we have to check our opinions at the door, just that we need to keep from dipping down into the anxiety and anger that is floating around.

This one will be short, and I’ll try to keep at least a few short ones coming between now and the time I leave toward the end of November.

Yes I’m still alive

So where have I been? Here mostly getting the house ready for sale, sorting through all my junk treasures and trying to decide what moves with me to Hawaii and what does not. I’m being pretty vicious when it comes to deciding on what goes and what does not, and I want a pretty streamlined, simple life over there. Schedule now is that I’ll be on the island in November sometime.

I still haven’t bought property on the Big Island  so when I land I’ll effectively be homeless. That is an interesting feeling; exciting and a little scary at the same time. I’ll look for a place I can rent month to month while I am looking for a place to buy.

I’ve also been working on web stuff for others in and around the prep work for the move. I like doing that sort of stuff and it come easy to me for the most part, and I can do it from anywhere I have internet access. Maximum flexibility and I don’t have to wear a dress shirt and tie. I’m going to like that about Hawai’i. Formal attire means you wear sandals or flipflops instead of going barefoot.

The world and the economy of course keep coughing and wheezing, but if you believe the hype, there are green shoots!! Problem is it is entirely too early to tell if they are flowers or noxious weeds. At the risk of being a pessimist/doom and gloomer, I don’t think we have seen the bottom of this hole. I could of course be wrong. I’ve been wrong before and I’ll probably be wrong again.

I have more subjects for posts rattling around in my head (either that or it’s rocks – hard to tell the difference sometimes) and will be posting again soon. No, really I will. Seriously I will.

Kealakekua Bay

kealakekua-bayI experienced a lot of magic on my recent trip to Hawai’i and one very magical place is Kealakekua Bay near Captain Cook south of Kona. If you click on the image at left to see a larger version you will see that there are a lot of black lava stones along the water’s edge. Those are actually pushed up onto the beach during storms. In this image, the tide is high so the black sand of the beach is under water.

My first trip to the bay was with friends and we were walking around and talking so I didn’t get to relax and let the bay talk to me.

On my second trip to the bay I was alone and did more exploring. As you walk down behind the berm of stones, you find that people have piled them up into small monuments, and about a third of the way down someone had fashioned a quite comfortable chaise lounge complete with back rest from the stones. I adjusted a few of the stones and layed down. As I relaxed and allowed myself to slip into a light trance state, I became aware that I was hearing an echo of the waves crashing on the beach shortly after the waves actually crashed. Being the recovering engineer that I am, I looked around and realized that the echos were coming from the sound of the waves crashing being reflected off of the cliffs you see in the background.

As I enjoyed the symphony, I became aware that when the echo returned to me, a portal, or window was opening to the spiritual side of the bay, and then as I continued listening, I became aware that every time the echo returned, the spiritual side of the bay was speaking to me. It wasn’t coming as words, but more like an emotion, and after a while, I started to realize that in a way that is difficult to explain, the echo that seemed to come after the physical wave crashed on the beach was actually coming to me before the physical wave. This was an interesting thing to experience since my physical mind did not want to accept this. To it, the echo could not preceed the physical event.

There was an incredible joy being sent to me with each wave and echo. It was so full of life that all I could do was smile and laugh and let it carry me away. I’m not sure how long I layed there that day, but I would not have missed the experience for anything. In fact I enjoyed it so much that I returned two more times to let it sweep me away.

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