Journeys through the mist

Mobile theme added

For those of you that might be cruising the web on mobile devices (smartphones) I’ve finally installed a mobile theme to make browsing my neglected blog easier for you. If will automatically detect if you are using a mobile device and provide you with that theme. Since it is very light-weight it is gentle on your bandwidth usage and should load very quickly for you.

If you would prefer to see the full theme, scroll down to the bottom of the main page and there is a switch that you can use to disable the mobile theme for your device. It should remember that choice until you clear your devices history, cache and cookies.

If you have any problems, please let me know and I’ll do my best to address them.


  1. Gaurav Tiwari

    This is my first visit to your blog. Your desktop theme is light and it loads quickly, but as you wrote that you’ve installed a mobile theme, then there is surely a l’ll problem with your mobile theme. I’m reading your blog via my mobile, and seeing the full version (no mobile themes). Probably it didn’t recognise.

    • Richard

      Thanks. It works fine on my iPhone and iPod Touch. Since I don’t have any Android or other types of phones I cannot check with those. I’ll have to see if I can find someone with an android based phone and then check it. The problem is everyone I know is on an iPhone. The mobile theme I’m using is supposedly compatible with all of the major mobile systems, and least on the “smartphones” side of things.

  2. Ira Goldstein

    Hi Sacred Path
    Your mobile theme looks great on my samsung droid (skyfire browser)
    what’s the theme? it looks more like Elegant Themes HANDHELD than the default theme I downloaded from wordpress for my blog — (which its still in draft form btw)

    • Richard

      It’s WPTouch, which is the same as the mobile theme used at wordpress.COM, but for self-hosted sites. Glad it’s still looking good. On never knows when they switch main themes if something is going to go awry.

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