Journeys through the mist

Sheesh, my blog is so lonely

I’ve so neglected my blog, but like some others I know, the drive just isn’t there right now (well OK, it hasn’t been there for me really for over a year). I keep telling myself I’m going to start posting at least once a month, but then another month goes by (never was good with New Years resolutions either).

There have been a lot of shifts and such going on, not only in the larger global picture, but also on a personal level. I really do think that winter solstice 2010 was actually winter solstice 2012 (Mayan calendar). This was a substantial winter solstice from so many perspectives.

Things are going well here in Hawaii. Kilauea and Pele had a romp this last week or so and the Pu`u  O`o crater floor collapsed. If that weren’t enough, the lava level in the vent at the Halema`uma`u crater within the Kilauea Caldera dropped nearly out of sight (from around 230 feet below the crater floor to over 660 feet), and a rift opened up between a couple craters and Pele put on a grand show with some lava fountains along the rift reaching nearly 100 meters in height. Some of the cracks in the rift zone appear to by over 50 feet wide from the images. Not sure if it is mostly over or not. Things were kind of quiet down there this morning. You can take a look at some great images and videos of the goings on if you wish.

This image was snapped from my back door the other night, and yes, the sky was purple. No photoshopping at all. You can click to see a larger version of it.

Hopefully it won’t be months before I post again.


  1. Melynn Allen

    Hi Richard, so nice to hear from you. I neglected my blog too, for almost 2 years I think. I’m back at it now, but it certainly is an energy thing. I don’t push it if my heart isn’t in it. Posting will happen when it is meant to happen. But I do have to say, I’ve missed your lovely photos. I can’t believe the beauty you see, right out your back door. Nice to have you back, even if it’s only briefly!

  2. Nil

    I heard about the party the mountain sprits were having and have wondered how close or far away you are from that. Some awesome pictures…

    If you don’t feel like writing, isn’t it maybe that you are living so intensely on your lovely island that you don’t feel the need to write about it? Which would be a good thing in itself though your blog is a bit orphaned by it, of course…:-)

  3. JofIndia

    Live first
    Blog if you have the time and inclination.
    Enjoy and be blessed…

  4. rebekah

    I enjoy your posts, whenever you write them. Speaking of shifts, this post was written before the the big shift of the earth Japan and subsequent tsunami reaching as far as the Hawaiian Islands. It’s been two days since the event, and I don’t feel like blogging now either.

  5. Rebekah

    Richard, how about the possibility that this year’s events are “in preparation” for the 2012 winter solstice and the time beyond? Or perhaps that you are “ahead of you time”?

  6. Sarah


    I looked for your blog because I had what was to me
    an earth shaking problem with my WordPress blog, and
    you replied quickly and kindly and very professionally.
    I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated
    that, and now, having seen your blog, I shall subscribe
    and read it faithfully. It seems only fair.

    Many thanks,

  7. Paula


    Now I am lost. I have posted 3 comments and I don’t see any of them. I also wanted to upload a picture that identifies me like everyone else. How do I do that. I subscribed to your blog, but when I come to this website I don’t see a place for me to log in or put a picture….

    Thank you,

    • Richard

      Paula, if you want an image to show up like the ones adjacent to the other comments here, you have to go to, sign up, upload an image there and then it will show up with your comments. Do note that the gravatar image is tied to your email address, so you have to use the same email address that you used when you set up your gravatar account.

      My site is set up not to allow people to insert images into the body of comments.

  8. Tex Arty

    Hi Richard,
    Just want to say that your generous and knowledgeable support is much appreciated and we are grateful that you are there to lend a hand. You have a great blog, even when unattended, enjoyed the pictures and look forward to updates whenever.
    Wish you all the best,
    Thank you, Tex Arty

  9. MusEditions

    I so get it…I have not posted much recently, but just in the last few days have taken it up again. I’ve never felt to “force” it; but let guidance to what it needs. You are ever in my thoughts 🙂

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