Journeys through the mist

Solstice, New Beginnings and Holiday Wishes

Keauhou sunsetGratitude and a Look Back

Well, as of the evening of December 22 (I think) I’ve been living on Hawaii Island for one full year. All in all it has been a wonderful experience and I very much look forward to as many more as the island gives me. Tomorrow evening I’m getting together with friends to celebrate the fact that I made it through the first year mostly unscathed. The initiation was far less of an ordeal than many go through. Still, there have been a number of things that the island has put right up in my face. It has a tendency to do that. Even with those things though, I wake up each morning, make coffee and go outside onto the deck to give thanks for this incredible opportunityEach evening I do the same thing – typically with a glass of wine – and give thanks for the wonderful day. Doesn’t matter how the day went or what the weather or whatever, I’m always grateful.

Winter Solstice, Eclipse and those Wonderful Maya

I don’t know if any of you (perhaps the 2 readers I have left after my looooong absense) followed the eclipse that happened on the winter solstice this year, but in many ways it was quite remarkable and there are those that believe that errors in interpreting the Mayan calendar might mean that 2010 was the 2012 that has been so talked about. Astrologically, looking out at winter solstice in 2012 was virtually a yawner. 2010 though had a lot of significance astrologically. I won’t even bother to try and explain any of it since I know little of astrology, but there are numerous articles on the web.

Warmest Holiday Wishes

To the last two readers I have (probably including myself) I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays filled with love and blessings and may you all have a wonderful new year.

BTW, the photo is a sunset I took while down at the Keauhou Beach Resort one evening having dinner with friends.


  1. Frank

    You are sending out posts showing paradise and you expect to retain your readers??

    Send us some stuff about how miserable you are, missing snow and ice, etc., and even though we’ll know better than to believe you, we will appreciate the pandering.

    Best new year to you, pal. I do know how profoundly happy this move has made you. All your friends (both your friends?) are just as happy for you.

    • Richard

      Mahalo Frank and I’ll see if I can find something around here that looks miserable. That’s a pretty tall order, but I’ll try.

      Speaking of snow, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa both got show in the last two storms, but from what I hear it is melting quickly. I still want to get up to Mauna Kea when there is snow up there.

  2. Ronnie

    hear ya bro i am grateful too!

    to live another day #1

    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia this I pray….

    oh miya tungoshia grant me another day
    oh miya tungoshia just another day I pray
    oh miya tungoshia grant me another day
    oh miya tungoshia just another day I pray….

    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia this I pray….

    oh miya tungoshia you granted me another day
    oh miya tungoshia another day to play
    oh miya tungoshia you granted me another day
    oh miya tungoshia another day to play….

    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia to live another day
    oh miya tungoshia this I pray….

    oh miya tungoshia to live day by day
    oh miya tungoshia pilamiya hey..hey…hey
    oh miya tungoshia to live day by day
    oh miya tungoshia pilamiya hey..hey..hey….

    oh ya boy ya….oh ya boy ya….oh ya boy ya….oh ya boy ya….
    oh ya boy ya….oh ya boy ya….oh ya boy ya….oh ya boy ya….
    day by day….day by day….day by day….day by day….to play….
    this I pray….I pray….I pray….I pray…pray….pray….pray…. pray….

    sonnet chant #147 by inyan wicasa
    April 24th, Year 2009
    *co-opted from chant “May You Walk in Sunshine” by The Brave,
    Sacred Spirit II CD@2000

  3. Jonathan

    I have a vaguely similar experience, having moved to Kerala, South India, a few years back.
    Good luck! Relax… Enjoy…

    • Richard

      Jonathan, thanks for stopping by and yes, I’m relaxing into island life just fine. It takes some getting used to, but I was sort of living an island lifestyle even before I got here, only with snowy winters and no ocean.

      Take care and you enjoy too.

  4. Mary Ann

    I must be the other reader! Congrats on your full year, unscathed or otherwise. It does feel to me like the just-past winter solstice was a crossing point of some kind. We’ll see, huh?

    Meanwhile I have about five months to my own freedom to do as I wish, reasonably financed, and am looking forward to my own journey. Maybe I’ll save up and see what a month on the Big Island does for me!


    • Richard

      Mary Ann, nice to hear from you, and yes a full year more or less intact.

      Good to hear you have some time for yourself and if your journey’s bring you to the Big Island let me know. It would be great to see you and show you around, or point you to some interesting places.

      Mele Kalikimaka and Hau’oli Makahiki Hou (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year) my friend.

  5. timethief

    There’s no way anyone is bumping me out if your last reader’s spot … lol 😀

    You are such a dear friend that I really don’t know what more to say than thank you for being in my life and for supporting and encouraging me. Happy Birthday! May your New Year, the second one in Hawaii exceed all your expectations.

    Love, peace and joy,

    • Richard

      Timethief, thank you very much and I hope this new year brings you and yours bountiful blessings.

  6. Nil

    Well, there goes your count of 2 friends, you included… :-)))

  7. Joanna

    Peace and joy to you from me. Thank you for replying to me on the support forum. To see the sunset over the sea is always a blessing – Happy New Year 🙂

  8. Carrie Marino

    It looks like you have regained some readership! I found your page because of some helpful WordPress advice you posted on a forum. Thanks! You saved me unnecessary effort!

    It looks like our outlook on life may be similar. I’ll have to keep checking out your blog. If you have time, stop by mine! 🙂

    Happy New Year,
    🙂 Carrie

  9. @|3|-|i

    Like many out here, I too found your website because you were the first to answer my first query in the WP forums.

    Happy New Year 2011 🙂

  10. Cynthia

    I am a little late to the party, but hope you don’t mind having another reader wishing you well for the coming year and well done on the past year. I do hope you will find time to write again about your journeys and spiritual side of things. And gosh, I don’t think I’ve heard (read) Mele kalikimaka since my parents last played the Bing Crosby christmas album when I was a child!

  11. Rebekah

    Richard, I read your blog too. Perhaps a little belatedly, but I do get here. Wish you’d post more. Glad you like the Islands!

    • Richard

      Rebekah, I’m trying to get into the groove of posting more often. The last few months there have been a lot of shifts going on and a lot of work to be done, but I’m going to have to make the commitment and take the time.

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