Journeys through the mist

Hawaii: all systems go

After some back and forth with the airlines, Sidney and I have reservations to leave at 6am on the 22nd, so the last minute flurry has begun. I have errands to run and of course the final packing of the suitcase.

I’ve got a list of places to rent all ready and will begin hitting those the morning after I arrive. Some good friends have a nice completely furnished place in Kona I’m going to look at and I’ll bunk with a friend for a few days. There is certainly no shortage of rentals right now and prices are actually quite reasonable. I’m feeling quite good about renting for a while and not rushing into buying a place. That will give us a chance to catch our breath and adjust to the new adventure, and decide what area we want to settle down in.

My next post will likely be from Hawaii.


  1. Frank DeMarco

    Poi for Christmas!

    Think, Richard, when was the last time you spent Christmas in a reasonably comfortable climate? When you lived in California, I suppose?

  2. Deborah

    Hi Richard – I am so looking forward to reading about your new life. I am new to your blog – did you write any posts about how and why you made this decision? I would be very interested to read them if you could point me in the right direction. Good luck with everything.x

  3. Mary Ann

    Rich, it’s great to see this coming to fruition! I presume Sidney will get to do the shorter quarentine of only a week?

    Looking forward to your Hawaii posts and how it goes there. It is very intriguing to say the least.


  4. jingle

    Good for you, moving to an island is cool to me, it is wise not to settle down blindly at first, but do it after adjustment made.
    Ocean will open your mind and expand your world view in surprising ways!

    Have FUN!

  5. MusEditions

    Checking in and saying “Hi”, old friend. Excited for you. I lived in Honolulu for a year, and while baking in AZ is better for my journey, I do know about the special amazingness that the islands bring.
    I wonder if your journeying will be different there?
    Love & peace and all good things.

  6. timethief

    You must be excited. This is such a big move and it will end with you and Sidney becoming islanders like me, although a continent away. I’ll be broadcasting my desire for your safe flight to your new home throughout the universe, and eagerly awaiting the news that you two have landed and are safe and sound.

    I’m particulalry happy to hear you have friends to stay with. That means you won’t be celebrating your birthday alone. And, hearing that there are lots of rentals is good news. Selecting a new place to buy and make into a home won’t be a hurried process.

    May we all share in the spirit of adventure, peace and hope this holiday season as you begin a new chapter in your life.

    Namaste dear friend

  7. gigi sanchez

    timethief sounds like a minister (that last sentence)… I’m so glad you’re on the same plane. Have a great trip!

  8. Robin

    Hawaii is one of my bucket list to do’s. I pray you have a safe, comfortable trip, and settle down sweetly. I’ve really enjoyed visiting your blog. Keep writing, the world needs to hear your voice.

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