Journeys through the mist

Southern most point in the US

bluewater-800While we were on the south end of the Big Island of Hawai’i, we noticed a sign that indicated down a side road we could go to the southern most point in the US. Being the adventurous types, we of course couldn’t resist. About a half-hour later we arrived at a rocky cliff overlooking the Pacific, and as you can see, the water color was incredible. What is more incredible is that the camera didn’t really capture the color depth and richness (click on the image to see a larger version).

There were quite a few people there, many of them locals, and it turns out it is a popular place for diving off of the probably 30 foot tall cliff and into the incredibly blue water. I seriously considered putting on my swim trunks and taking a plunge, but decided in the end not to. I’m sure I will though after I move over there.

There are  remnants of concrete foundations at the cliff edge where I expect there used to military structures dating back to WWII. It would have been a perfect place for a radar installation, and just a short distance up the road were some old abandoned structures that definitely look ex-military. At the bottom of the image you can see one of the old metal ladders that I suspect was used during military personnel up and down the cliff, and they are still used by the divers (although the ladders have required some impromptu repair work over the years). There are also a couple block-and-tackle structures there that were probably used to bring supplies up to the installation.

You will notice some white stuff floating on the water which is a combination of organic and (sadly) human debris. Just off frame, there was a white plastic bag floating in the water that one of the divers retrieved during our visit.


  1. Gemma

    Adore the rich swirls of blue in this photo! Great to hear you are loving your new worlds! Quite an adventure!

  2. timethief

    I have seen similar photos taken by a friend and the richness and variations in the swirling hues of blue from aqua to navy and every shade in between were mesmerizing.

  3. Richard

    Timethief, yes the color was simply something I could not imagine. I’ve seen the aqua and turquoise waters in other places I’ve been, but never the electric cobalt blue that was there. It was magical. When I stood at the edge of the cliff overlooking the water it was like it was calling to me saying, “come, play with me.”

  4. Leilani Grant

    Hi, there!
    I “found” your blog because you commented on a question that I had on a forum. I’m glad I checked you out!
    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog so far and will bookmark it for further views.
    We were in Key West last spring and there was a “southern-most point of the U.S.” there, too…..LOL…now I’m confused.
    However, yours is much more pleasing to the eyes. The one in Key West was a huge white monument with a bunch of people around it getting their pics taken. hehehe
    Anyway, just saying “Hi!”
    Take care.

    • Richard

      Leilani, thanks for stopping by.

      Key West is the southern most point in the continental US at 24 degrees north, but the southern tip of the Big Island is less than 19 degrees north, so it is actually the southern most point in the US. As a matter of fact, the entire chain of Hawaiian islands is further south than Key West.

  5. Suzanne

    Your blog is beautiful. I’m new to WP and like Leilani, I found your site through the CSS forum.

    Yes, the Big Island is wonderful. I spent some time there and went to this spot. I didn’t get to see such beautiful color in the water that day. It was early in the year and cold and overcast.

    I look forward to following your adventures.


  6. yourboro

    Absolutely incredible photo!

    Human debris?! Jesus..

  7. Anthony

    Very pretty. Makes me want to add the big island to my list of places visit after having already been to other Hawaiian islands.

  8. Nim

    I’m a newbie here on WP, I came accross your site while browsing for some useful information. Nice photo i must say. I must come back soon and read your posts. 🙂

  9. Russell

    What an amazing photograph and web site. Good on ya! Russell

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