Journeys through the mist

The kindness of strangers

There are quite literally angels walking among us who give of themselves unconditionally.

I flew back in from a workshop this morning to Billings, Montana and a raging snow storm. I had not packed any warm clothes and when we boarded the plane the pilot told us of the storm. I was chatting about it with the man sitting next to me and was joking about my lack of preparation. I was in a tee shirt, shorts and sandals.

We got of the plane and went down to baggage claim and the man that had been sitting next to me handed me his jacket. He said he only had a few miles to go to get to his home and he could not bear the thought of me making the 130 mile drive to my home in the storm without a warm jacket. I thanked him for his generosity and then went to the restroom and put on some long pants from my suitcase and my other shoes, and wrapped in the warmth of a stranger’s heart made my way across the windy, snow covered parking lot and safely home.

It is things like this that remind me that we humans have more than a fighting chance of making it.

To that kind angel: What blessings I have, I give you.


  1. timethief

    I’m so glad to hear that you met an angel on the road and that you are safely at home again. I thought of you frequently through out the time you were away and sent you many blessings. I’m wondering how Sidney responded to your arrival home. One of my cats always treated me with disdain and the other crawled all over me.

    Here’s a BIG HUGE HUG for you. 🙂

  2. Richard

    Timethief, thanks for the blessings and I’m glad to be back home. Sidney is all over me the minute I walk in the door, but my other cat Ashley who passed about a year ago was mad at me for days after I came back from a trip. They each have their own distinct personalities.

    Thanks for the hug, and I’m sending one right back to you.

  3. Gemma

    What a lovely moment to experience and give to memory! They are more precious than gold! Strange how such moments seem to let troubles seem insignificant!

  4. Richard

    Gemma, yes it was a lovely moment and one I very much hope I will remember for the rest of my life especially in those moments when I have the opportunity to reach out to others.

  5. Linda

    Hi Rich – Very glad to hear you are home safe and sound – talked to Dad yesterday and it sounds like a Wyoming doozy. Also, glad to hear you have been at another workshop but more than anything just glad to see you posting stuff here again! I think the past 6-10 months have been a wild ride for both of us. I find myself watching unfolding events in our world with such a huge range of emotion that each day becomes a bit of a whirlwind – but – I have been making a very concerted effort to stay centered, grounded, run as much light as I possibly can, and to not plug into the fear and panic I see unfolding. Anyhoo, just wanted to reconnect and this was perfect timing – as always. Read with much interest your unfolding plans for Hawaii and will look forward to whatever parts of that journey you wish to share. Give Sidney a scratch and a hair brushing for me :))) That was always one of his favorite things when I was taking care of him.

  6. Richard

    Linda, it’s nice to hear from you. Yes, the last year has been an interesting one and certainly a bumpy one. We as a society have some choices to make, and the next year or so will determine how difficult the coming shifts will be.

    It is extremely important that we each find a way to keep ourselves out of the fear (negative polarity) otherwise we won’t be able to make calm, informed decisions.

    I’ll certainly give Sidney your best. The girls across the street have been looking after him since you left and have been doing a wonderful job. They are great little spirits – the entire family is.

    I have some more stuff I want to write about, so at least for the foreseeable future my posting should be a little more regular.

  7. Den Relojo

    That’s a very heart-warming story. I hope it happens more often and more people will get to experience that too. Unfortunately, it seems that there are more fallen angels nowadays.

  8. Richard

    Den, yes I think it will change. Actually I know it will and I plan on being on the front end of the change.

  9. Kate

    Glad you had a safe and special trip . You never know when you’ll find an angel or you’ll be one!

    My cat tail/tale – I was gone for about 10 days a while ago, the longest I’ve been gone w/this current cat, and I had a friend of mine, and of Mr. Kittee, come in everyday to take care of him.

    When I got home, after 12 hours of air travel, Kittee stationed himself under the bed and HOWLED for hours! He wouldn’t come near me or let me near him, he didn’t come out from under the bed for 4 hours – the TRUTH!

    He kept me awake all that time – worrying and fretting and cursing and screaming and praying – that I would find an angel to keep me from killing him.

    When he suddenly stopped – he pranced out from under the bed, jumped in my lap, purring like a motor boat and all was forgiven – it’s why we like/love cats.

  10. Richard

    Kate, yes that is why we love them. They most definitely have personalities and in my experience each is different.

  11. MusEditions

    I think cats (and other animals) reflect our energy, and if we have more than one animal they can reflect different aspects of ourselves. I’m glad your Sidney was happy to see you and you got back safe and warm. What a kind, kind man! Truly heartening to hear of this in these times. Many blessings.

  12. Richard

    Muse, I think you are right about pets. I also think that sometimes they can reflect the opposite as well. There have been times when I have been feeling kind of down and Sidney insists that I play with him which always lifts the gray cloud.

    He was indeed very kind. Since I’m one of those that believe in “paying it forward” the next person I encounter who needs a helping hand will get it.

  13. Stephen

    It’s great to hear of such generosity and kindness. We all have it in us yet how seldom do we show it.

    That man was an example to us all.

  14. Exuvia

    What goes around comes around. 🙂


  15. Trisha

    I’m new here but I really like the way you write and think and express yourself.
    As for angels among us, yes! They’re everywhere. We have only to look around to see the kindness that exists. What we have to remember is to BE an angel! Sometimes all that means is to smile. Sometimes, though, we have to leave our comfort zone as that man did in order to be angelic.
    What a wonderful thing.

  16. Richard

    Trisha, Thanks for the kind compliments, and yes sometimes something as simple as a smile or a kind word can make a big difference.

  17. coolpolitealex

    I just wanted to say hi and wanted to say i think you are a nice sort and i am so glad you believe in spreading goodwill.
    I live in London and we suffer so much from unkindness to strangers, so it is nice to see that you believe in the opposite like i try so hard to do.
    Nice to have read your hopes, will pop in again if it is ok!

  18. coolpolitealex

    excuse my first real post ,i rather silly’ly did not think doh” hope it does not create problem

  19. Richard


    I didn’t think your comment was in the least bit silly. I think there are still a lot of people out there who are kind hearted and compassionate, but with all the worries and concerns people have have to deal with, especially over the past twenty or so years, I think they are just not as aware as they were in the past. That will change though, it will have to with the considerable changes we are all going to be faced with in the near future. We will have to become aware, and again embrace “community” if we are to make it out the other side.

    Pop in anytime you wish. You are always welcome here.

  20. Perfectionist Gal

    Angel sends message to our minds about 5% chances in lifetime. They do exists…anyway, what type of religion are you? Are you a Christian?

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