Journeys through the mist

The kindness of strangers

There are quite literally angels walking among us who give of themselves unconditionally.

I flew back in from a workshop this morning to Billings, Montana and a raging snow storm. I had not packed any warm clothes and when we boarded the plane the pilot told us of the storm. I was chatting about it with the man sitting next to me and was joking about my lack of preparation. I was in a tee shirt, shorts and sandals.

We got of the plane and went down to baggage claim and the man that had been sitting next to me handed me his jacket. He said he only had a few miles to go to get to his home and he could not bear the thought of me making the 130 mile drive to my home in the storm without a warm jacket. I thanked him for his generosity and then went to the restroom and put on some long pants from my suitcase and my other shoes, and wrapped in the warmth of a stranger’s heart made my way across the windy, snow covered parking lot and safely home.

It is things like this that remind me that we humans have more than a fighting chance of making it.

To that kind angel: What blessings I have, I give you.

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