Journeys through the mist

Truth lies within us

Truth lies within ourselves: it takes no rise from outward things, whatever you may believe. There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness and to Know rather consists in opening out a way whence the imprisoned splendor may escape than in effecting entry for light supposed to be without. — Robert Browning


  1. Shirley

    I wonder if some people are more in touch with their inner self? I wonder if indeed, everyone knows what to do within himself.

    Thanks for the post.

    Shirley Buxton

  2. Richard

    Indeed some are more in touch than others, but it is available to us all; it can’t be any other way.

    As far as knowing what to do our how to start, it’s again up to the individual. I’ve been meaning to cover that subject in a post, but one of the best starting questions is, “What is the most important thing I can know and understand at this time?”

  3. museditions

    In concept I do believe truth lies within. However, when I look deeper into this, I must ask “Is there really a within, and a without?”
    I think the advice to look for our answers within stems from our culture’s habit of looking to things/authority/gods/teachers…etc. rather than connecting with our own source of truth. It comes down to either embracing or giving away our personal power–but, in the end we are all one. Namasté.
    Richard, I haven’t looked at your blog for a while. I’m putting you on my list. Lots of wonderful contemplative reading here, Thank you!

  4. Richard

    Where does our “own source of truth” lie? It lies within because we are spiritual beings – or energy beings if you prefer. Our time as physical beings is but the blink of an eye compared to our real existence outside of the physical lifetimes we choose to experience. Most of the problems we see in the world today are the result of people not knowing who and what they are, and that we are all connected.

    Looking within really has nothing to do with religion, or teachers, or authority, or someone’s idea of god, and it certainly doesn’t require adherence to any belief or dogma. At least it doesn’t for me; I left that behind long ago. The fact is most modern religions don’t want you looking inward to find out who and what you really are because that would ultimately negate the need for them.

    The goal of course is to get to a point where we know (rather than believe) there isn’t a within and a without, and that what we typically see as two different worlds is simply a matter of perspective rather than a real division, because in truth there is no division. The fact that most people do not have that inner connection with what they truly are is what has created the division.

    Having said all that it was really just an exercise in semantics. What you call finding your “own source of truth” I call looking within. Each of us will find our own path and come to it in our own time, which is as it should be.

    And by the way, thanks for the link and I’ll link back to you.

  5. museditions

    I couldn’t agree more, Richard. I sometimes succumb to semantic squabbles, and realize they often separate us more than unite us. It is a pleasure exchanging ideas with you.

  6. Richard

    Yes, I even have semantic squabbles with myself. 🙂

  7. katkmeanders

    I have found at times though, that keeping my eyes open while viewing without leads to a nudging loose of things I knew, an epiphany if you will. Sometimes the truth needs to be brought to your attention from outside yourself, for you to realize where it resides inside.

  8. Richard

    Most definitely anything – external or internal – can act as a trigger to a greater understanding or a new insight. “We,” and the universe are very efficient that way. The trigger may be internal or external, but the new insight or understanding is alway internal, because that is where “we” really are.

  9. TinaW.

    Richard… I would like your opinion…concerning Robert Browning’s poem..the first part of it that speaks of: “The Truth is within ourselves…” In one sentence, what is the main point of this portion of the poem? Also…Does the poem express autonomous or theocentric thinking? What is if anything is it telling us about our human origin, nature, destiny or purpose

  10. TinaW.

    I also welcome all other opinions in regards to the previous questions i posted to Richard, thanks!

  11. kyle

    i also am intrested in hearing more about tinas question

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