Journeys through the mist

Little Goose Fire 8/21/07 PM

In case you had not heard, there were a couple injuries on Monday to firefighters on the Little Goose fire.

From InciWeb:

Two fire fighters were injured when a log that was being cut into smaller sections unexpectedly moved from a secure location. It hit the two fire fighters working next to the log. One fire fighter was treated and released. The second firefighter has a broken leg and was held overnight for observation. Both firefighters are expected to recover completely from their injuries.


  1. Irene


    This reminds me of the fierce fires that we have during our summer. We have had some really bad ones. This year is going to be particularly severe as we have not had much rain in the state of Victoria. I really take my hat off to the firefighters who work in the bush, most of whom here are volunteers.


  2. Richard

    Irene, I’ve heard it’s been very dry in Australia, and I hope things aren’t too bad this summer for you. I too take my hat off to the firefighters. It’s an unbelievably hard job and they all deserve a pat on the back and our thanks.

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