My friend Frank DeMarco recently posted one of his debriefs from a September 2000 “black box” session at The Monroe Institute on his blog. The black box is a small, shielded room in the TMI lab with a water bed where TMI graduates, with the assistance of one of the experienced TMI lab technicians, can have a customized Hemi-sync session. The black box was originally designed for TMI research and development, but for the past couple decades or so, they have also offered its use to TMI graduates, and Guidelines participants get a lab session in the black box as part of the program.
In the debrief Skip Atwater, the head of the lab, mentioned research that suggests we all have the ability look into the future; that our now moment is larger than we realize. The same day I read Frank’s post, I found an article in a UK online publication (via, which cites additional studies also suggesting we can see into the future.
If you think about it this makes perfect sense because we live in a time-space environment. We literally create our own reality moment by moment and need to know what is directly in front of us on our life path so we can maintain continuity and an uninterrupted flow. In other words as Skip says, our now is larger than we expect. This is another one of those things that happen automatically and seamlessly.
One personal example of sensing the future that comes to mind happened when I was walking through a construction site in Los Angeles in the 80’s checking progress, and all of a sudden got a rush of adrenaline and sensed danger. I immediately jumped backwards just as a section of four inch diameter electrical conduit came crashing down where I would have been, had I taken another step forward. There was no sound to alert me; just a knowing that there was immediate danger. I think all of us can think of examples where we may have looked into the future.
One has to wonder if this is what is happening when the phone rings and we know who is calling, although it could just as well be the strength of the connection with the person calling (Can you say ultimate caller ID? I knew you could.). Certainly gives one something to think about.
Once while journeying I asked for information on future probabilities, and was presented with an inverted pyramid, with me at the apex, that seemed to stretch on forever. I was told that I could use it as a problem solving aid. I experienced the field of probabilities as swatches of patterns and colors, and by illuminating a certain swatch, other swatches on successive levels would change to match the pattern or color I had chosen. It took a while to get the hang of it, and to begin to interpret what the pattern and color swatches meant when I was looking for a solution to a problem, and it’s something I can’t quite explain. There was a “knowing” of what each the patterns and colors meant.
I started to experiment with it quite a bit, and at times I would select an outcome and then keep changing my preceding choices until I would have a clear path from where I was to the place I wanted to be. At one point though it became clear that my sure-fire problem solving tool was not quite as sure-fire as I had thought, and every time I would get all the choices right, one or two swatches would change seemingly on their own. I asked what was going on, and was told that it should not be used as an absolute, but as a aid. It wasn’t a map, but simply a tool that would give a general direction (the visual I was given was of a man with his are extended pointing with his finger). I had forgotten, or not noticed that when I was originally shown the field that it was described as an aid.
How far we can reliably see into the future I don’t know, but since each successive choice on the inverted pyramid presents a far greater number of choices, I doubt we can really do it too far out with any certainty. There have been exceptions of course, such as Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus, who certainly appear to have had it figured out, but because of the times Nostradamus lived in, he felt he had to disguise his predictions for his own protection, and since we don’t have the key, I suspect his predictions will always be surrounded by controversy.
At the very least though, current research is supporting the fact that our lives are magic.
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