Journeys through the mist

A letter from guidance

I had temporarily slipped out of my status as a recovering engineer and started to organize myself with outlines of what I wanted to cover in this blog, and when, but was gently nudged back into recovery. So, this blog is going to be random and will take me, and you, where the winds blow. I have no doubt that all the stuff I would like to share will end up here, I just don’t know when and in what order.

In September of 2005 I attended a weeklong workshop called Guidelines at The Monroe Institute (TMI) which is designed to introduce you to, and deepen your connection to, your own internal guidance (all those loving spirits working behind the scenes). One exercise toward the end of the week, was for each of us to find a quiet spot somewhere and write a letter either from or to our guides. We each placed them in a self-addressed envelope and were told that sometime in the near future, the wonderful people at TMI would mail the letters to us. When I received the letter in the mail a few weeks later, it was like I was reading the words for the first time. I vaguely remembered the words, but it was truly as if I had just provided a hand to hold the pen.

Dearest Richard,

By now you have probably slipped back into physical life and may have even forgotten about our writing this letter. There are several things we need to remind you of although you know them all, you may temporarily forget.

There is no timetable, no schedule with which you must conform, except as created by you. Everything will happen at the perfect time, in synchronicity with your rhythms and needs, no matter when that time is.

Remember always to be kind to yourself and to others. You are connected to all other life, and when you are kind to yourself, you are kind to others at the same time, and visa versa.

Be patient with yourself and others. Do not get frustrated when things do not happen when and how you expect them to. Each step, each experience, is of your own making and is a direct response to your wishes. What may appear to be a non-sense answer to a question is actually in your viewing of it – your perception. The answer is there.

You should practice at opening to subtleness as many of the answers will come to you as whispers. Much of the richness in life is in the subtleness, in the space between the letters and the lines, the pauses between the words and sentences, between the tick and the tock.

Guidance is always there, even if you cannot directly perceive it at times, you do hear it, and you do use it. Much of it is taken for granted and gets lost in your day-to-day life, though you act on it automatically.

Our greatest joy, our greatest purpose, is in giving you exactly what you ask for, when you ask for it.

Be kind, be gentle, be love.

With all our love,

The Doorbells

The Doorbells? Perhaps I should explain. I had at one time asked for a name or symbol to associate with my guides and what I received was the image of a doorbell, probably very similar to the one at your front door. From that point forward, whenever I would like a little guidance, I just close my eyes, take a deep breath, exhale and press the doorbell.


  1. melynn

    Dear Richard,

    What a beautiful letter! These are words I should tack on the wall and read everyday for exactly what they were intended for…guidance! I especially take to heart the part about timetables. I am always putting pressure on myself to get things done, as if I’m in a race and the world will come crashing down if I don’t reach my deadline. A self-imposed deadline I might add, that pays little attention to the natural rhythm of creativity or allows room for the incubation period and thoughtfulness that can bring about a harmonious result. There are many other pearls of wisdom here too. Thank you for creating this blog. I’m very much looking forward to going along on your journey, whenever and wherever you’re moved to take us.

  2. Richard

    Melynn, Thanks for the kind comments. I go from one extreme to the other with timetables. Sometimes I am like you and self-impose deadlines on myself that ignore things I should not be ignoring. At other times I completely reject timetables. I am working on finding that middle ground where I can honor both.

  3. Irene

    Hi Richard

    I too thank you for this very beautiful post. I particularly like this:

    “Be patient with yourself and others. Do not get frustrated when things do not happen when and how you expect them to. Each step, each experience, is of your own making and is a direct response to your wishes. What may appear to be a non-sense answer to a question is actually in your viewing of it – your perception. The answer is there.”

    I ask for Guidance, receive it but then get impatient for the next step – I want to hurry things along as I feel that life is too slow sometimes. I realise that it is the waiting and the patience that can sometimes teach me the best lessons. But of course, this is not always easy. I’m still trying to slow myself down and sometimes just step out of my own way!

    With love

  4. Irene

    BTW Richard

    Do you post anywhere else on your experiences at TMI? I always love reading TMI experiences.

    I’ve booked to attend Gateway and Lifeline (as I’m gonna be travelling from Australia) in May – only a month to go and I just can’t wait.

    With love

  5. Richard


    You will have a great time at Gateway and also at Lifelines, they are two of my favorite TMI programs. One of the things that the trainers and people at TMI are fond of saying, it that you will get exactly what you need from each program, and in my experience, that is definitely true. Lifelines in ’95 is where I met my old friend, Frank DeMarco. I say old, in that we defininitely have connections in other lives. I will be writing of my experiences at TMI in the near future.

    I too get impatient at times with wanting to “get on with it” but as one of the trainers at a TMI program once told us, “trust the dance.”

    I will be interested in hearing about your experiences.



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